When a child starts at Bukido Karate you will notice a big improvement in:
Higher levels of Respect and Obedient Behavior.
They will have fun as they:
Improve Listening and Concentration Skills.
Have Greater overall Health & Fitness.
Learn a "Yes I Can" Attitude.
Increase their attention Span.
Improve Hand-Eye Coordination and Motor Skills.
Improve Self-Confidence & Self Esteem.
Learn to share and become friendlier around peers.
Have a Decrease in Parent Separation Anxiety.
Have a Better direction and use of their energy.
Develope a Non-Quitting Spirit.
Learn tools for Bully Prevention & Self Defense.

Sound to good to be true, come and see for yourself.

Bukido Karate
Tiny Tiger Program
Our Tiny Tiger program is designed specially to help in the personal development of students between the ages of 4 to 6 years old.
Studies have shown that the core of a child's personality starts to develop at this time.
What better traits to develop than honesty, integrity, self discipline, respect, focus and concentration?
At the same time students will be learning in a fun and exciting environment to become the leaders of tomorrow.